Is it safe to spray foam around electrical outlets?

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Spray Foam To Insulate Outlets

Spray foam is a handy, easy-to-use insulator, but you can’t just use it everywhere. If you’re thinking about spraying it around your outlets and your electrical box, follow basic safety precautions and use it with care. Insulation will help your home stay at a regular temperature. It can help you save money on your energy bills. Here are some tips for using spray foam.

Stay Safe

  • Before you insulate your outlets or electrical box, turn off the power. Keep it off until the foam has hardened.
  • Wear gloves. Foam is hard to remove from your skin.
  • Eye protection is a good idea when using foam.
  • Always have foam solvent handy when you use spray foam.

How To Use Spray Foam Insulation

1. Start by cleaning away dirt and debris from the area.

2. Shake the spray foam can for a full minute.

3. Attach the dispenser nozzle according to the product instructions.

4. Invert the can and insert it into the gap you want to fill.

5. Pull the trigger to dispense the foam.

6. Wipe away the excess with a rag soaked in foam solvent.

7. Wait about 15 minutes for the foam to cure.

8. Once the foam cures, cut the excess with a utility knife or a fine-toothed hand saw.

9. Use foam solvent to wipe away any residue.

10. If you’re using the foam outdoors, paint the dried foam to prevent damage from UV rays.

Insulate Your Electrical Outlets

Use spray foam to fill in the gaps around your outlets. This is a fast, easy job that will give you an immediate result. Avoid spraying it directly onto the wires. Always use low-expanding foam when working around electrical outlets or boxes.

Insulate Your Electrical Boxes

Use insulating foam between the back of the electrical box and the outside wall. Spray enough foam to fill the gap between the box and the exterior wall. Foam provides insulation and a tight seal, which means you get double protection from wind, pests, and other unwanted elements.

Use Rigid Foam on the Back of the Box

If you can open the back of your electrical box, you can insulate this area. Don’t use spray foam or fiberglass insulation here. Use a piece of rigid foam insulation. Place it between the interior wall and the back of the box.

Don’t Get Foam Inside the Box

Be careful when applying foam around electrical wiring and boxes. Don’t let foam get inside the electrical box. It will harden around the box’s parts and cause major problems. Remember, the chemicals in spray foam are flammable. To stay safe, use a low-expanding foam and keep it away from wires or box parts.

Insulate Your Recessed Light Cans

Recessed lights look great, but they can cause your heating or cooling to escape through their cans. This is especially true for lights installed under your roof. Use spray foam around the gaps formed between the can and the ceiling.

Before you do this, be sure your recessed lights are rated for close contact with insulation. If they’re not, don’t use the spray foam. Placing flammable materials close to a regular heat source is asking for trouble. If you need to insulate non-rated cans, try a gasket instead.

We Can Help You Save Money and Energy

If you want more ideas for saving energy and money, talk to SESCOS. We can help with everything from an energy audit to retrofitting your outlets with energy-saving bulbs. Contact us for all your electrical needs.